Friday, May 15, 2020

Annotated Bibliography of Articles Published on the...

Bardia, A., (2006). Efficacy of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Therapies in Relieving Cancer Pain: A Systematic Review. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 24 (34): 457-64. Anecdotal evidence abounds regarding the use of complementary and alternative medicine therapies when dealing with issues of pain. One of the clear issues is that there is a lack of rigorous and well-developed scholarly literature on the subject. In this study, 18 trials were reviewed totaling 1,499 patients. Seven trials reported significant benefits using CAM, seven reported intermediate or short term benefits, and four studies reported no benefits. The researchers conclude that there are a number of variables and a number of types of CAM, all which require more methodologically sound studies in order to determine actual efficacy of individual interventions. Jones, T., Glover, L. (2012). Exploring the Psychological Processes Underlying Touch: Lessons From the Alexander Technique. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. EPub: doi 10.1002/cpp.1824. Any behavioral psychologist knows that touch is extremely significant for human beings. It does, however, cause controversy at times, even with the physical contact of such things as a hug during psychotherapy sessions. In this case, six individuals were interviewed who had received the Alexander Technique, and 111 completed surveys. The data suggests that there is incompatibility between touch and the spoken word, touch is far more believableShow MoreRelatedHbr When Your Core Business Is Dying74686 Words   |  299 Pagesout our ï ¬ rst stage of Web site enhancements, the culmination of which will be an entirely revamped site this fall. Each article online now has its own table of contents, making it easy to ï ¬ nd the sections most relevant to you. We’ve included a link to the executive summary, so you can quickly decide if the article is of interest. You’ll also ï ¬ nd a list of related articles at the bottom of the screen. Managers often must think in terms of problems and solutions. To address this need, we’ve createdRead MoreThe Marketing Research of Brainquiry33782 Words   |  136 PagesNew York have been contacted via email and by attempted phone contact. At this moment there has been one returned email from the EWGA( Executive Women s Golf Association). They have stated it is possible to advertise on their website which is annotated in the New York folder labeled EWGA Sponsor Opportunities and in the Appendix Email 1 Magazines In the folder Labeled New York there is another folder called PDF US Advertising files. These files contain all the information the magazines

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